3 Reasons to Sign Up for a Sock Subscription Box
Most of the time, buying stylish socks is at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to decisions regarding fashion.
There are multiple reasons for this.
For one, most people don’t want to leave their home and drive 15 minutes to the nearest outlets or mall for a pair of socks. We’ve also become used to idea that socks should come in black, white or gray and we view them as a commodity rather than a compliment to the wardrobe.
In reality, socks are a versatile piece to any outfit and a reflection of your unique approach to fashion.
Whether you hate shopping or just never find a pair of socks that “speaks” to your unique style, we put together a list of reasons why it might be time for you to consider a sock subscription box for men.
Why You Should Try Out a Subscription Box for Socks
1. Convenience
This is the best part about a subscription box or service. Not only do most request a survey up front to hone in on your style in order to offer you the best socks. Some subscription box services will even hand pick your socks each month.
That takes the hard decisions out of the process and you don’t even need to leave your home. You get pairs delivered to your doorstep monthly.
2. Unique Styles and Designs
All of us have been to a retail store or mall looking for some fun socks to add to the sock drawer only to find a few that actually catch your interest.
With a sock subscription box, services are constantly working with their designers to come up with new styles, ideas and looks for their products.
That means you won’t end up with a dresser full of black and white socks that will kill your creative wardrobe efforts.
3. The Savings
We know what you are thinking…How is savings a reason you should try a subscription box? Well if you think about shopping behavior then it will make a lot of sense.
When you go into a store with the intention of buying a few specific pieces, a lot of the time you will walk out with more than you originally planned.
Just think about shopping at the grocery store, going into a Target or walking through a mall. You’ll inevitably find a piece that you “must have” or see a sale that’s too good to pass up.
With a subscription box, you know exactly what you are spending each month on your wardrobe (socks in our case).
There are definitely more reasons to use a sock subscription service but we hope that these 3 have given you the inspiration to try one.
To learn more about Society Socks and join our cause, visit here.
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3 Reasons to Sign Up for a Sock Subscription Box