Ginger Lee is saving Oklahoma's Homeless
"The teacher allowed me to take my socks off and let them dry by the furnace and she gave me a pair of warm socks to wear throughout the day. I’m pretty sure those socks may have just saved my life."
As part of our company's pledge to our customers, we donate a pair of socks to charity with every pair of socks sold. We recently entered into a partnership with Sock It To Em, a non-profit that collects and distributes socks to homeless shelters across America. Sock It To Em is able to achieve this amazing feat through the support of an amazing group of volunteers scattered all over the country, who help distribute socks to their local communities.
One of these amazing volunteers is Ginger Lee. After a recent donation of 780 pairs of socks in August, Ginger set out to donate the socks to her local community. We decided to catch up with Ginger and learn more about how she does it!
What organizations do you work with?
Ginger: I have a sock ministry that was created 5 years ago (Sock it to those Feet). In addition, I am a sock ambassador with Sock It To Em.
What motivates you to do good?
Ginger: The thing that motivates me to do good is the fact that there are so many in need of a helping hand, even if it’s only a pair of socks, gloves or a cap. Those items can mean so much to those who have so little. One pair of warm socks just may save a life on a cold winter's day. Also, I give to underprivileged children that attend school without warm socks or even a decent pair of shoes. When I was a young girl I had a little pair of felt yellow shoes that I wore to school in the cold and the snow; by the time I got to school my feet were cold and wet. The teacher allowed me to take them off and let them dry by the furnace and she gave me a pair of warm socks to wear throughout the day. I’m pretty sure those socks may have just saved my life. From that day on I vowed that I would always help others that are less fortunate and so far I’ve kept that promise to God and myself. I don’t have much but my sock ministry is an assignment straight from God and I will continue to help the homeless and underprivileged for as long as I can.
Ginger Lee's grandchildren donating socks
Who benefited from the most recent donation of socks?
Ginger: There were many homeless men, women and children that benefited from the donation of socks. My grandchildren and I went to several different missions that provide help for the less fortunate. This included:
- Homeless Alliance
- City Rescue
- Jesus House
- Sunbeam Family Services
- Salvation Army
Every agency that I delivered the socks to were so excited to receive them for the homeless, and they were beyond grateful. The socks are really really nice! I can only imagine the smiles on some of the faces of the homeless when they receive them.
Interested in supporting Ginger's Mission?
Ginger does not currently have a website for donations, though you can do any of the following to support this amazing cause:
- Reach out to Sock it to Em directly through this link and ask how you can support Ginger
- Support Society Socks - with every pair purchased, another pair is donated to charity
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