Weekly Profile: Hand in Hand Soap
Owners Bill Glaab and Courtney started their company Hand in Hand Soap with a simple mission, to provide soap and clean water to children in the developing world.
The Problem
In 2011, the founders of Hand in Hand Soap read an article that stated that 5 million children die each year from water related illness. 45% of these deaths could easily be prevented by washing hands with clean soap and water. Bill and Courtney created their company Hand in Hand Soap to solve this problem.
Hand in Hand Soap
With every product a customer purchases, they automatically take part in the Buy a Bar. Give a Bar. program. Each purchase will lead to a donated bar of soap and the funding of a clean water program. Hand in Hand has partnered with My Neighbor’s Children to assist them in providing donations to communities in Haiti. Their partnership allows them to work with a charity that has an extensive amount of experience working in Haiti to provide bars of soap and clean water.
Bill and Courntey have found additional inspiration and motivation to continue to grow their business when travelling to areas in Haiti that could be positively impacted by their program. Today, they have donated more than 437,000 bars of soap and provided thousands with a clean source of water. This powerful initiative has already impacted thousands of people and will surely create a positive impact on the lives of their families in the future.
Hand in Hand puts a strong emphasis on ensuring their products are created with sustainable resources and harvested ethically. The following is a quick recap of the sustainable characteristics of their products:
- Socially Responsible: A donation with every purchase
- Made in the USA
- Environmentally Friendly
- Vegan and Cruelty Free
- All Natural
- Palm Oil Free
The Hand in Hand store contains a wide variety of products that are guaranteed to make you smell and feel better, while making a positive change in the world. Their store caries Soaps, Candles, Lip Balms, Moisturizing Lotions and Sugar Scrubs. Additionally their store provides several fragrances and collections of products which could make for great gifts for a loved one.
To learn more about their store, we encourage you to visit their site. Comment below with any of your thoughts and opinions!
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